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Platinum Group Metals Recycling (Pt,Pd,Rh) Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2010-10-24.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Scrap Platinum Group Metals : WANTED TO BUY


platinum wire, platinum labware, crucibles.
Platinum Scrap shall consist of Platinum Alloy or Remelted Platinum Scrap. This Material should be assayed and sold based on the Platinum Content as agreed upon between the buyer and seller.

Listing ID: LW955469
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
100 gram Day
Price Funds Per Unit
30.00 USD gram

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 425 ) DATE
113189 News/Info Monthly Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 4.43%). 2011-02-22 :00
LW968332 Wanted 02 sensors. 2011-02-14 17:05:00
113145 News/Info Auto Recyclers Market News (Composite is Up 4.55%). 2011-02-07 :00
113120 News/Info Secondary Materials Market Report (Composite is Up 3.14%). 2011-01-28 :00
113101 News/Info Monthly Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 2.64%). 2011-01-22 :00
LA963983 Available Crucible, Therm Wire, Coin. 2011-01-11 22:55:00
113055 News/Info Auto Recyclers Market News (Composite is Up 5.54%). 2011-01-07 :00
113048 News/Info Monthly Exotic & Precious Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 3.43%). 2011-01-05 :00
113022 News/Info Secondary Materials Market Report (Composite is Up 3.93%). 2010-12-28 :00
113009 News/Info Monthly Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 2.32%). 2010-12-22 :00
LW961679 Wanted scrap 02 sensors. 2010-12-18 00:13:00
112966 News/Info Auto Recyclers Market News (Composite is Down 2.21%). 2010-12-07 :00
112960 News/Info Monthly Exotic & Precious Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 2.50%). 2010-12-05 :00
LA960379 Available Auto Catalyst Scrap (Honeycomb). 2010-12-05 09:37:00
112946 News/Info Secondary Materials Market Report (Composite is Down 2.22%). 2010-11-28 :00
112931 News/Info Monthly Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 5.97%). 2010-11-22 :00
112892 News/Info Auto Recyclers Market News (Composite is Up 2.07%). 2010-11-07 :00
112885 News/Info Monthly Exotic & Precious Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 3.70%). 2010-11-05 :00
112853 News/Info Secondary Materials Market Report (Composite is Up 0.30%). 2010-10-28 :00
LW955469 Wanted platinum wire, platinum labware, crucibles. 2010-10-24 11:01:00
112838 News/Info Monthly Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 0.72%). 2010-10-22 :00
LA955241 Available Auto Catalyst Scrap (Pellet and Bead). 2010-10-21 14:37:00
112797 News/Info Auto Recyclers Market News (Composite is Up 5.86%). 2010-10-07 :00
LA953591 Available O2 sensor. 2010-10-07 02:27:00
112789 News/Info Monthly Exotic & Precious Metals Snapshot (Composite is Up 2.48%). 2010-10-05 :00
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