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Refrigerant Recycling Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2011-02-18.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Coolants and Refrigerant Recycling : WANTED TO BUY


Spent Industrial Glycol Coolants.
Spent Industrial Glycol Coolants shall consist of used or spent industrial glycol coolant grades used in stationary cooling systems. required residue glycol including DEG, MEG and TEG . we can take in contaminated and dirty Glycol residue from Glycol manufacturing plants. The residue should contain on an average 35 -45% glycol.

Listing ID: LW968958
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
500000 litres Monthly
Price Funds Per Unit
.16 USD litres

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 233 ) DATE
LW1000744 Wanted Used Antifreeze Needed. 2011-12-17 20:42:00
LA992781 Available Surplus Automotive Antifreeze. 2011-10-03 09:58:00
LA992603 Available 70% ethylene glycol and 30% glycerol. . 2011-09-30 21:07:00
LA983394 Available surplus R11 (3 cylinders). 2011-06-28 09:58:00
LW981216 Wanted Surplus Low Pressure Refrigerants. 2011-06-09 10:52:00
LW975455 Wanted used antifreeze. 2011-04-16 12:32:00
LW968958 Wanted Spent Industrial Glycol Coolants. 2011-02-18 17:40:00
113129 Forum refrigerants, disposal of. 2011-02-02 18:17:00
LW966730 Wanted Spent Glycol. 2011-02-01 20:41:00
LA965059 Available Spent Industrial Glycol Coolants. 2011-01-17 20:34:00
LW962382 Wanted Surplus Automotive Antifreeze. 2010-12-27 14:22:00
LW962250 Wanted Surplus Automotive Antifreeze. 2010-12-25 14:49:00
LW958994 Wanted Spent Industrial Glycol Coolants. 2010-11-20 18:57:00
LA953157 Available Spent Automotive Antifreeze. 2010-10-03 16:29:00
LW950179 Wanted Used Refrigerant. 2010-09-09 12:17:00
LW949968 Wanted Surplus High Pressure Refrigerants. 2010-09-08 09:36:00
LW949124 Wanted Spent Automotive Antifreeze. 2010-08-31 23:07:00
LA944910 Available r-500. 2010-07-28 20:56:00
LA943106 Available Glycol coolant. 2010-07-14 23:50:00
LW942251 Wanted Spent Automotive Antifreeze. 2010-07-08 09:58:00
LW939425 Wanted R-11. 2010-06-17 15:49:00
LA938857 Available 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane. 2010-06-12 14:17:00
LW933535 Wanted CFC gases. 2010-04-20 12:46:00
LW924660 Wanted R-11, R-123, R-113. 2010-02-11 15:45:00
LW924659 Wanted R-22, R-134a. 2010-02-11 15:44:00
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