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Platinum Group Metals Recycling (Pt,Pd,Rh) Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2017-06-22.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Scrap Platinum Group Metals : WANTED TO BUY


Buying up precious metal scrap.
Platinum Scrap shall consist of Platinum Alloy or Remelted Platinum Scrap. This Material should be assayed and sold based on the Platinum Content as agreed upon between the buyer and seller.

Listing ID: LW1192135
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
100000 gram Month
Price Funds Per Unit
29.84 USD gram

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 425 ) DATE
LA1231512 Available Platinum waire . 2018-11-28 02:08:00
LA1229951 Available Scrap O2 Sensors. 2018-11-07 16:16:00
LA1228685 Available Auto Catalyst Scrap (Honeycomb). 2018-10-22 20:34:00
LA1227048 Available Catalytic converter powder . 2018-10-04 00:42:00
LA1224693 Available monolith crushed. 2018-08-30 01:55:00
LW1219665 Wanted Spent Electrolyte, Platinum Alloy, or Remelted Platinum Scrap. 2018-06-17 05:03:00
LA1218104 Available Palladium Scrap. 2018-05-25 05:42:00
LW1216439 Wanted Pt Pd Rh Ir Ru Au Ag. 2018-05-02 05:24:00
LW1216368 Wanted Platinum Scrap. 2018-05-01 07:01:00
LW1212658 Wanted Pd Spent Catalyst . 2018-03-13 19:48:00
LA1208228 Available catalytic converter honey combs. 2018-01-17 12:36:00
LW1207377 Wanted Oxygen Sensor Scrap. 2018-01-07 11:47:00
LW1205194 Wanted Palladium scrap. 2017-12-05 14:28:00
LA1202993 Available Auto Catalyst Scrap (Pellet and Bead). 2017-11-05 15:27:00
LA1200454 Available Auto Catalyst Scrap (Pellet and Bead). 2017-10-04 14:13:00
LW1197129 Wanted Gold, Silver and Platinum Group Metal Scraps. 2017-08-22 01:30:00
LW1193163 Wanted All precious metals scrap . 2017-07-05 13:41:00
LW1192135 Wanted Buying up precious metal scrap. 2017-06-22 06:02:00
LW1191296 Wanted rhodium waste. 2017-06-12 02:55:00
LW1184755 Wanted platinum .palladium rhodium iridium . 2017-03-09 12:21:00
LW1181434 Wanted Platinum Scrap. 2017-01-24 06:32:00
LA1178705 Available Ruthenium onto activated carbon. 2016-12-14 23:47:00
LW1172324 Wanted palladium scrap . 2016-09-22 07:23:00
LW1172225 Wanted Rhodium Scrap. 2016-09-21 11:00:00
LA1168121 Available milled and roasted honeycomb scrap. 2016-08-02 00:23:00
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