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Platinum Group Metals Recycling (Pt,Pd,Rh) Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2018-11-28.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Scrap Platinum Group Metals : AVAILABLE TO SELL


Platinum waire .
Platinum waire

Listing ID: LA1231512
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
700 gram Ongoing
Price Funds Per Unit
6.00 USD gram

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 425 ) DATE
LA1231512 Available Platinum waire . 2018-11-28 02:08:00
LA1229951 Available Scrap O2 Sensors. 2018-11-07 16:16:00
LA1228685 Available Auto Catalyst Scrap (Honeycomb). 2018-10-22 20:34:00
LA1227048 Available Catalytic converter powder . 2018-10-04 00:42:00
LA1224693 Available monolith crushed. 2018-08-30 01:55:00
LW1219665 Wanted Spent Electrolyte, Platinum Alloy, or Remelted Platinum Scrap. 2018-06-17 05:03:00
LA1218104 Available Palladium Scrap. 2018-05-25 05:42:00
LW1216439 Wanted Pt Pd Rh Ir Ru Au Ag. 2018-05-02 05:24:00
LW1216368 Wanted Platinum Scrap. 2018-05-01 07:01:00
LW1212658 Wanted Pd Spent Catalyst . 2018-03-13 19:48:00
LA1208228 Available catalytic converter honey combs. 2018-01-17 12:36:00
LW1207377 Wanted Oxygen Sensor Scrap. 2018-01-07 11:47:00
LW1205194 Wanted Palladium scrap. 2017-12-05 14:28:00
LA1202993 Available Auto Catalyst Scrap (Pellet and Bead). 2017-11-05 15:27:00
LA1200454 Available Auto Catalyst Scrap (Pellet and Bead). 2017-10-04 14:13:00
LW1197129 Wanted Gold, Silver and Platinum Group Metal Scraps. 2017-08-22 01:30:00
LW1193163 Wanted All precious metals scrap . 2017-07-05 13:41:00
LW1192135 Wanted Buying up precious metal scrap. 2017-06-22 06:02:00
LW1191296 Wanted rhodium waste. 2017-06-12 02:55:00
LW1184755 Wanted platinum .palladium rhodium iridium . 2017-03-09 12:21:00
LW1181434 Wanted Platinum Scrap. 2017-01-24 06:32:00
LA1178705 Available Ruthenium onto activated carbon. 2016-12-14 23:47:00
LW1172324 Wanted palladium scrap . 2016-09-22 07:23:00
LW1172225 Wanted Rhodium Scrap. 2016-09-21 11:00:00
LA1168121 Available milled and roasted honeycomb scrap. 2016-08-02 00:23:00
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